Sutter Home Moscato 750ml
Sutter Home Moscato is luxurious and sweet. The wine displays delicate aromas of white peaches, rose petals and exotic lychee on the nose that lead to creamy peach, nectarine and juicy melon flavors with hints of caramel on the palate. The sweet flavors are perfectly balanced by refreshing acidity, and a vivid, crisp finish.
Reserve Class Champion, Double Gold – 2019 Houston Livestock & Rodeo | Best of Class – 2019 San Francisco Chronicle
Sutter Home has been producing this classic, fragrant, sweet wine for over 50 years—in fact, Moscato was the very first wine we bottled. To craft this lovely wine, our winemakers cap and drain the juice to increase the varietal intensity, and forego malolactic fermentation to maintain the wine’s refreshing acidity. To preserve its fresh, fragrant aromas and flavors, our Moscato is cold-fermented at 50°F and aged entirely in stainless steel tanks.
Light cheeses, barbecued ribs, spicy grilled shrimp