Smooth Ambler Contradiction Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Smooth Ambler Contradiction 750ml
Contradiction is a blend of straight bourbons. The components are a wheated bourbon distilled and aged in West Virgania and merchant-bottled bourbon that is carefully sourced. Contradiction is the opportunity to enjoy in a single sip the convergence of those two very different efforts.
Merchant bottled bourbon made with corn, rye, and malted barley married with homemade bourbon made with corn, wheat, and malted barley. A blend of different straight whiskeys, there are different ages represented in Contradiction. THe majority whiskey is more than 9 years in age.
Full of oak, dried cherries, vanilla, and cinnamon, creating a signature mature bourbon nose. Sweet from the wehat and spice from the rye and a bit of leather round out the palate. Its viscosity creates a smooth and pleasant finish.