Redneck Riviera Whiskey 750ml
Redneck Riviera Whiskey 750ml
John Rich of the popular country band Big & Rich has created an American Whiskey that is smooth, easy drinking, with notes of vanilla and butterscotch sweetness. John worked closely with the folks and Eastside Distilling to create this small batch whiskey using the highest quality ingredients. Redneck Riviera, Gold Medal Winner at the 2018 Los Angeles Spirits Competition, donates a portion of the proceeds to Folds of Honor which provides scholarships to the children and spouses of fallen American Soldiers.
“My team and I worked tirelessly on the creation of Redneck Riviera Whiskey. I wanted an American blend like nothing else on the shelf, and that’s exactly what we got! RR Whiskey is as smooth as it gets, and I’m proud to offer it to America’s ‘Work Hard, Play Hard’ crowd!” – John Rich
A small batch whiskey with vanilla honey smoothness and a subtle oak finish.
Nose: Light Vanilla, Butterscotch Sweetness, Caramel with a bright touch of Honey.
Flavor: Smooth Vanilla and the perfect touch of oak. Rich, full palate complexity with approachable sweetness, followed by honey dark stone fruit essence. Rounded out with Earthy grains.