Park Cognac XO Traditional 750ml
Park Cognac XO Traditional 750ml
The Park cognacs are produced in the heart of the Cognac vineyards among the most prestigious estates. The eau-de-vie are obtained after the distillation of carefully selected and sorted wines and are then left to mature in oak barrels for many long years to produce at long last a cognac of outstanding quality. To craft the Park XO cognac, which has proved to be the best in its class, the cellarmaster made his choice from a stock of no less than 15,000 oak barrels, forming a living encyclopedia of cognac, to produce the unique blend of this cognac. The Park XO cognac comes in a deep amber color, rich with intense flashes of gold. Its bouquet progressively blossoms to offer up aromas of dried apricot, almonds and wild blackberries. The carefully crafted blend aimed at offering a perfect balance makes this a truly unique cognac.