Glendalough Wild Botanical Gin 750ml
Wild plants are foraged in the mountains around the distillery to make this extraordinary gin. What is picked goes fresh into the still within hours of foraging.
All the plants are sustainably picked by the distillery’s full time forager and everyday gin is distilled. Glendalough takes a lot of care to not adversely affect the areas being foraged. This means sometimes using scissors rather than picking to make sure roots aren’t pulled, or maybe skipping a few before picking the next one, or finding different patches of the same plant, to make sure an area isn’t over-foraged. The aim is to leave no trace. It’s harder work but worth it to keep the mountains beautiful and wild.
These wild botanicals are painstakingly slow-distilled to tease out delicate flavors, in very small batches. Some go in the pot, and some are hung in a basket to let vapors extract their essential oils. The cut-points are decided batch by batch, by smell and taste as if each batch is the first.
This brings the flavor of the Wild Gin to a whole other level. The knowledge, experience and man-hours in each bottle are what make this liquid so special.