El Jolgorio Madrecuishe Artisan Mezcal 750ml
Artisanal and Ancestral Mezcal from Oaxaca. This brand tells us about the particular characteristics of the mezcal line that is committed to the production of the drink with wild and semi-cultivated agaves, which grow in their natural habitat, from which unique flavors, aromas and sensations are obtained. Linked to the concept of the name, the word “Jolgorio” means party or bustle, which characterizes the festivities in Oaxacan communities. These qualities are focused to assign an identity that reflects part of
our culture in each drop of Mezcal.
View: Crystalline
Smell: earthy, freshly wet and fresh mud
Taste: mineral, small fresh notes like eucalyptus, after taking a sip it leaves certain very subtle salty notes.
Touch: strong presence in the mouth, slightly astringent
ABV: 48.3%