Polugar Wheat Artisan Vodka 750ml
Polugar Wheat Artisan Vodka 750ml
Unlike its rye-based counterparts, Polugar Wheat is made solely from wheat grain, both malted and non-malted, giving the spirit a texture that is plump and broad. A sweet richness sings through grassy fields and stone fruit.
Mild nose, round, light and delicate. Warm wheat crumbs, grain and bread notes. Hay dry grass, salt, pickled cabbage and semisweet honey. The palate is clean and measured, but doesn’t hold back. Slightly salty-grassy nuances are dominated by kolach, a traditional Ukrainian bread. Wonderful velvetiness showing flowery, fruity notes. An elegant bitterness complements spice tones followed by bright, persistent bread notes. The finish features mild grains, wheat and freshly cut white bread.